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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: Bernard Warm Springs
  Public Hot Springs

Bernard Warm Springs in Idaho

Season: Summer, Fall Type: R (roadside)
Boise National Forest Overall Rating: C+
Elevation: n/a Water Temperature: 98°
Near Cascade, ID Usage Level: Low

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08.11.07: Like the rock says

08.11.07: Overshadowed by vegitation

08.11.07: Inviting scenery

04.28.03: Overhead shot of the pool

04.28.03: Looks pretty good under all that algae

04.28.03: Well-placed clothes / towel line

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[ View the 08.11.07 Bernard Warm Springs Video Clip ]

General Description
A long forgotten warm springs located in the Boise National Forest near Cascade, Idaho. Bernard, also known as Smalley, was at one time a full-fledged hot springs resort. The pool today lies in the remnants of the resort's foundation. The seldom used pool features rock and log/tarp walls and has a sandy/gravel bottom with lots of algae and silt.

Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
08.11.07 moderate moderate
04.28.03 high none

Water Clarity:
Clear - underneath all of the algae and silt


None Noticed

Wildlife Sighted: Deer

Seasonal Notes
The Forest Service Road that provides access is snow covered all winter until approximately April or May. It would be advisable to have a 4x4 during the wet seasons. Possible snowmobile access during winter months.

Camping Notes
There are a few primitive sites near the springs (not very private). Also many other primitive sites accessible from the main forest road. Beware of Poison Ivy!


I would have stayed the night and enjoyed another soak had it not been for all of the cow pies... and cows! The pool was in much better shape than my last visit, which was over 4 years ago. My how time flies. Reminds me of a Dave Matthews Band quote "Life is short but sweet for certain..."
Rating: C+

Not bad... Bernard is located in the base of what appears to be the ruins of an old resort or maybe even homestead. Quite a few good camping spots were also noticed at and near the HS/WS. Lots of algae was abound however, which is due to low usage. I was able to drive all but .3 miles from the spring due to snow covered roads. I'd say within a month or less you would be able to drive right on up to Bernard. I'm sure a snowmobile would work well during the winter months. Bring a bucket! I bet this little soaker is a pretty nice soak during the summer months... looking forward to my next visit. PS. there's lots of Poison Ivy around here, so keep your eyes peeled!
Rating: X

Average Rating: C+


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Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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