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Home: Idaho Hot Springs: Sheep Creek Bridge Hot Spring
  Public Hot Springs

Sheep Creek Bridge Hot Spring in Idaho

Boise National Forest Overall Rating: C-
3,400 ft Water Temperature: 98º
Atlanta Area Usage Level: Low-Moderate
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09.16.06: Source pool

09.16.06: Yuk

09.16.06: Dismantled

09.16.06: Riverside silt pool

06.12.03: Excellent!

06.12.03: Source pool

06.12.03: Source pool

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General Description
Small and shallow rock-walled and tarp dammed pools with a dirt & rock bottoms. Pools are a short hike from one of the points where the Middle Fork Road bridges the Boise River. There are also light to moderate amounts of algae present in the water of all the pools.
Dates Visited: Trash Levels: Bug Levels:
11.01.09 none none
09.16.06 light none
06.12.03 light none

Water Clarity:


None Noticed

Wildlife Sighted: Deer, & Elk

Seasonal Notes
Seasonal forest service road closure on best access road, all-year access via Middle Fork Boise River Road off HWY 21.

Camping Notes
Plenty of NF camping sites/areas are available nearby.

Trip Reports

I've heard that the owners of Twin Springs just down the road used to take care of this little guy. That is until they got sick of people destroying the pool and trashing the subsequent area. Downright shameful if you ask me. I reckon the TS folks grew weary of the continuous nuisance, and opted out of maintaining Sheep as a suitable soak. Given that, the pool was in pretty sad shape... didn't even want to soak.

My high hopes were doused upon arrival, the well-constructed pool that was present during my last visit was dismantled. The only soaking opportunities were two, small silt and mud filled pools with luke-warm water and one riverside pool filled with cold water and silt.

This HS would have been a little nicer if the soaking pool was a bit warmer. Besides that, it's great! You have a sweet view of the river (and the forest service road) from the pool. The small soaking pool is built just below the larger source pool, which is filled with algae and other goobers along with scalding hot water. There are also plenty of campsites, campgrounds and other hot springs along the Middle Fork Boise River Road all the way down to Atlanta, Idaho.

Average Rating: C-


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No Soap, Shampoo or BIO-Soap/Shampoo Allowed in Hot Springs! Avoid Being Fined!

Public hot springs are not bathing facilities and do not have 'plumbing' like that of commercial, improved hot springs. Soap and shampoo (including biodegradable soap and shampoo) do not completely breakdown naturally. This pollutes our water systems (ingested by fish, animals, humans) at or near the source. This is also illegal in most wilderness and public lands areas.

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